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Shooting in front of glazier elementary 1

Well.Yesterday, when i got home, my 6 ralph lauren uk stores year old was waiting for me to tell me of her day.Apparantly, there was a shooting right in front of the school, as the children where getting out.I found out some more info this morning and quite frankly am extremely disturbed by it.If you see them congregating at the park, call the police immediatly, if you live across the street from glazier park, all you have to do is look outside your window!If you see someone suspicious, call the police.She needs a chance to grow up.A woman went screaming into the office to tell them to call 911 and wouldnt say why.I think the school is keeping it hush hush since it was the first day back and the principle wasnt there.I have called the office to see what exactly happened and they say they cant give my any info.I kept my child home today as a result.I work, so her baby sitter told me what she could.She was very upset and nearly hysterical.I will post more info as it becomes available to me.

Yesterday after i picked up my kindergarten child i saw someone running in a big rush, but i could not imagine why.It was a male person, i commented the scene to my husband and we left it at that, i was not aware of anything wrong until today after 7pm by the school's principal.I am very concerned that this type of violanece is errupting in our neighborhood.I agree with the marco polo comment, when ever we see a dum ass gangster wanna be's gathering anywhere around this area we should call the police and notify them.All it takes is for the gangsters is to see that no one does anything around in the neighborhood after something is done, and right away they think"Oh okay we can rule this part"Because every one is either too busy or too afraid to do anything.We need to show them that we will not stand for the lifeless way of living, show them that we can all make a better norwalk for the future of our kids.Fromknow on every time i see a wanna be gangster because that is all they are, i am going to call the cops.They choose the way of life that they have so be it, they will live with the consequences.They are people that look ridiculous, and lowlifes.Do not stand for them comming into our neighborhood.Please do it for your kids!

I picked up my child yesterday on time, we left the school grounds around 2:19 and I saw or heard nothing.However before i drove up to the school i came from the west of excelsior where apparently the park is located and i did notice there was a group of guys playing basketball.I did not see if they where gangbangers or not.Perhaps the cops should patrol the park instead of issuing citation to the parents who are trying to pick up their kids!I'm really concern about the safety of all the children.

Upset parent norwalk, i totally agree with you.I will be alerting the sheriffs whenever any shady character is around my block.I will tolerate this no more!I spent alot of money on my house just like everyone else and i will not just take this lying down!I will be attending the"Town meeting"That was in the recorded message from the principle last night.

Kinderparent, those gys play basketball there almost evry day, they are just"Normal"But the"Gang member"Usually hang out in the tables area.Old barnwall resident, i moved"Up"From where i grew up.I chose this location because of the"Family"Atmosphere.Times do change.But, we arent going to let the violence happen anymore.I hope all of you make it out to the town meeting with questioins in hand.Dont be emberassed or afraid to ask anything.Sometimes, the questins you ask, another parent was afraid to or didnt have the"Proper english"Skills in order to ask it out loud.Area is one of the unique spots in norwalk.Any ideas? .West of"Studebaker rd"From rosecrans blvd to alondra blvd.

We need to get rid of the city council and start at the top.They are lazy and only are worried about themselves.Vote in a new major.The city has been bad for years and will get worse as long as city hall doesnt change.

This is very concerning, although there was no confirmed reports of a shooting.Call the sherriff's department.I heard about the crazy parent too.We need to be careful as to what information that is spread out to the community.They are usually very good about getting out information to the parents(In my experience).I think before any more rumors are spread, we need to find out what really happened at the town hall meeting.

Marco polo wrote:

Well.Yesterday, when i got home, my 6 year old was waiting for me to tell me of her day.Apparantly, there was a shooting right in front of the school, as the children where getting out.I found out some more info this morning and quite frankly am extremely disturbed by it.If you see them congregating at the park, call the police immediatly, if you live across the street from glazier park, all you have to do is look outside your window!If you see someone suspicious, call the police.She needs a chance to grow up.I am not ridiculing you in any way, i am actually quite proud to see a fellow norwalk resident trying to take back the streets from the polluting gang members in our community.The point is that many of our residents in norwalk and by the greater percentages they are hispanic/latino, which hence they might have their residency, but if they were to get involved they believed that ice agents will be knocking down their door, and arresting them for their witness statements, some of them fear these gang members so much that it is ridiculous.Norwalk will never be able to control the violence that exist in the city without violence erupting against the one that exist.

Marco polo, i am amused to see that you are actually attempting to unite the community together.I am not ridiculing you in any way, i am actually quite proud to see a fellow norwalk resident trying to take back the streets from the polluting gang members in our community.The point is that many of our residents in norwalk and by the greater percentages they are hispanic/latino, which hence they might have their residency, but if they were to get involved they believed that ice agents will be knocking down their door, and arresting them for their witness statements, some of them fear these gang members so much that it is ridiculous.Norwalk will never be able to control the violence that exist in the city without violence erupting against the one that exist.

Oh, please do not fall over hit your face with all of the enthusiasm that you are showing towards cleaning up the community.Well i guess you must not have any kids and are probably white.You still do not get the point do you? .The fact of the matter is that we need to try and do at least something for the future of our kids, show them that if we unite we can overcome the crime that has been errupting in our neighborhood.It's because of people like you that nothing gets done, people like you always become inaudible they see the negative side, instead of the bright side.I guess you are better off living in your own tendentious bubble, thinking this type of violence will not affect you.By the way stop being so procrustean against hispanics, give them some credulity, you will not know until you try it.

Upset parent i suggest that you keep your mouth shut when it comes to profiling me up with the anglos, i am not a cracker and the way you speak makes me think that you do not know ralph lauren sale UK your current generation of young adults that are gangster these days.These kids do not fear the police in the outside why would they fear you on the inside.The crying out for help doesn't keep your children if any on the posters on this forum have young adult and teen kids, that allow them to party in this city, well high five you are funding the gang through some of your kids noz ballons and e pills at the partys.The drugs and in cases the weapons.Shut up upset parent i walk this city in the night i seen the ugly and pretty side of this city and i go to the partys where these animals corrupt your children, yes i am a young person but i know much more about these type of fucks than you.The only thing that they understand is pressure with violence and hostility.

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